First I must qualify myself, as I have to do from time to time when I speak.

I am a Catholic but not perfect, just wishing I will be before it is too late.

The subject of the editorial (May 24, “Wounds stay fresh even from long ago abuse”) is to be agreed with. It has been a problem for the church, however, anyone who is aware of these actions knows the church has faced the problem directly. It has taken all the actions to accept its lack of action in the past and to make amends. Millions of dollars have been paid to the victims. I have prayed for the victims and the perpetrators.

Isn’t your editorial like “carrying coals to Newcastle”?

The abuse was more than 40 years ago, and the priest has been dead 16 years. What is to be gained? Then, you ran with the editorial a picture of a man in black holding a Rosary, to make sure everyone knew the church was the cause. I feel for the victims, but life, to their hard work, has gone on and in fact one retired as a lieutenant colonel.

Now the more current news that came to light that very week. The Pentagon reported that 26,000 women were sexually assaulted in 2012 up from 19,000 from the year before some by the men put in charge to examine the acts. Even West Point and Annapolis were not immune.

It is a problem that we just have to work on with open minds. It will never go away. Compassion and understanding will help deal with the problem and the people involved.

Tom Brazier


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