As for the Maine welfare system, don’t get me wrong, I believe there are people here in the state of Maine who need help to get by, whether it’s a legitimate disability, or because of layoffs and such. I believe these people should be helped meeting their needs. But when did chips, soda, and other snack foods become a need?

I, for one, am tired of being in line at a convenience store to see these items being paid for with an EBT card. I work hard to pay my bills, including groceries, and I buy actual groceries, meats, vegetables, etc. I lose a good portion of my check to taxes. I don’t have a problem paying taxes, to an extent. But over the last decade or so, the state portion of the taxes coming out of my check has almost tripled, but my pay hasn’t even come close to doubling. And a good portion of this is paying for these items, apparently because they are a need.

I believe EBT should follow the path of WIC (a subsidy to help needy mothers and their babies) and limit what can and can’t be purchased with EBT. Maybe it should be put to vote by the working people of Maine, on where their tax dollars should be spent.

Tim HigginsFairfield

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