In Colin Woodard’s final report, Maine Isn’t Doing Enough to Protect Gulf from Effects of Climate Change,” from his recent series, “Mayday: Gulf of Maine in Distress,” he wrote, “Experts say there’s little that Maine or New England can do by itself to address the underlying issue: the continued warming of the Earth because of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Woodard did an excellent job explaining the problem, but I believe there is more that we can do to address climate change and thus protect the gulf.

While it might feel as if there is little that we can do, there are ways for us to have great impact on climate change on a global scale. The carbon fee and dividend plan being promoted by Citizens Climate Lobby is one such example. The plan calls for a pricing for carbon, and it requires similar pricing to be in place for any nation that is a trade partner with the United States. This means that countries who trade with the United States would either have their own carbon fee where they keep the money or have the carbon fee collected by the United States.

As citizens, we can lobby for such a program for mitigating climate change and have worldwide impact. Worldwide impact is possible and is the best hope for the health of the Gulf of Maine.

Nicholas Lykling


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