I just finished reading George Smith’s take on the Millinocket area’s economy.

He feels it would be a good idea for Roxanne Quimby to buy more land and control more of our state.

Apparently he doesn’t feel we Mainers know how to be good stewards of our own land and waters.

Smith feels charging $5,000 to enjoy land and water we now use for free would be a good idea. Doesn’t sound too good for the working man, even if he got one of the few low-paying service jobs this might create.

I can’t see how having to vie for one of the precious allotments allowed to the public would be much better than the archaic way we do it now — you know, just use the river when we want.

We all can’t stay in Quimby’s cabin or go to Montana, Alaska or Quebec to fish like Smith does but we can put into the Penobscot and do it for minimal cost of gas to get there and equipment to fish.

I think Smith wants us to sell out our way of lives for the almighty dollar. Is this really his idea of Maine — the way life should be?

Rhonda Reed


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