Gee, after reading Liz Soares’ noxious diatribe about the woman who wore her grubbies to the store, I think I’ll have to buy a tux for the next time I go to the grocery store.
Soares might be standing behind me in line, waiting to out me. And no, I don’t look in the mirror before I do go out; I don’t mind scaring others, but I don’t want to scare myself.
One would think there were about a million more important things to write about besides some poor woman who has other things to worry about than how she looks shopping.
On another matter, every once in a while I watch Faux News for the humor. They went positively insane about Obama’s failure to mention God in his twitter wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving (he did mention her in his televised address to the nation, though). They even condemned Obama for the fall of Libya, claiming that it now might become a terrorist state. Duh. Think Lockerbie.
Tom Ohlund
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