I followed a good part of the Republican National Convention. I pretended I had just landed from Mars and had no previous knowledge about the subjects, while listening to the speakers.

I was impressed, even convinced, that the current leader of the United States and his group were all idiots who were more interested in golf than the future of the people of this land.

On the other hand, the speakers and their friends had all the answers to solving all the problems facing the country and would immediately implement them, though they were a bit sketchy about how all that was to be done, short of a magic wand.

They did say they would solve the economic, jobs and deficit problems by cutting taxes, more deregulation, more oil drilling and more coal mining.

I definitely will have to vote for them, unless the other bunch, meeting this week, have persuaded me that they are not all idiots and have more workable and humane plans for the future.

I noticed the feel-good generalities used by many politicians can be used almost word-for-word by either side, as long as they don’t make the mistake of giving any details as to how they plan to reach those lofty goals. If they give details, they run the risk of people using their own minds to see if the words make any sense.

Otherwise people will vote for the most recently heard politician who convinced them with the emotion and eloquence of his generalities: motherhood, apple pie, freedom and security in the greatest country in the world. Of course, that assumes he wore the required American flag lapel pin and ended his remarks with, “And may God bless America.”


Harvey Versteeg, Augusta

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