Re-defining marriage is a lousy idea. Kudos go to M.D. Harmon’s commentary on page A6 of Saturday’s newspaper.

The column was based on facts and not agenda. It was a refreshing change to read a column where someone isn’t trying to influence the reader to think like they do.

Obviously, my wife and I will be voting no on Question 1. It is not out of hatred, but out of a sense of what is right.

As a Catholic, my parents sent me to Catholic school, I was in the children’s choir and I was an altar boy. I also attended CCD classes and made my confirmation while I was a freshman in high school. I was raised to believe marriage will always be one man and one woman. I am passing down those teachings to my four children.

Supporters of Question 1 will vote yes because it suits them.

I am voting no on Question 1 because it doesn’t suit me or my values.

Shane Gagne


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