CHESTERVILLE — A special town meeting is set for 7 p.m. Monday to vote on spending surplus money for paving roads and replacing the fire station roof.

The meeting will be held at the Town office, 409 Dutch Gap Road.

An additional $30,000 is being requested for road improvements. Voters approved $250,000 for roadwork at the town meeting in March. Two sections of Zions Hill Road would get a top coat this year, Selectperson Chair Tiffany Estabrook said Tuesday evening. Egypt Pond, Sanborn Hill and Sandy River roads will also get a top coat and a warranty of five to 10 years, she noted.

“The goal is to move the town roads forward, rather than doing all these band aids,” Estabrook said.

Sections of Sand Pond and George Thomas roads will be ground and reclaimed. Norcross Hill Road was graded and paved.

“It’s completely finished,” Estabrook said. “It cost a bit more. There was a washout in February and the board decided to finish it. It’s being ditched and graded, some trees removed now, more work being done.”


If the $30,000 isn’t approved, George Thomas Road will not be completed this year, she said.

An additional $5,500 is being asked to replace the roof on the fire station.

In March, $23,450 was approved for the project. It was first proposed at the 2020 town meeting but funds weren’t raised after voters were told the replacement could wait a year.

This year, voters were told the bid from last year would be honored.

“We couldn’t foresee that in April and May prices for materials would increase,” Estabrook said.

The new quote for the color finish option, which was preferred at the town meeting, is $28,780.

“We rounded it up to provide a buffer if needed,” Estabrook said.

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