The Aug. 24 news article headlined “Maine delegation wants feds to shut down illegal Chinese-run pot facilities” was an irresponsible and unfounded article based on an article by the Koch-funded and Tucker Carlson-co-founded Daily Caller about supposed illegal weed cultivation in Maine by the Chinese.

The story was bizarre and unfounded, yet all four members of Maine’s U.S. congressional delegation jumped on the unsubstantiated allegations and spoke out about this, demanding action by the Department of Justice. Talking about jumping on the anti-China bandwagon.

The Cold War and Red (or should we say Yellow?) Scare are back in full swing for us all to see. The question is: Will we participate or call it out?

We need to use our intelligence and ability to wonder about what we are reading and hearing. Margaret Chase Smith, the Republican senator from Maine who was one of the few if not the only one to speak out against Sen. Joseph McCarthy, would be deeply disappointed by what is happening in our country, by her Senate colleagues and by the anti-China media that fuel this fear and distrust. It would be worth our while to read her “Declaration of Conscience” speech to the Senate in 1950.

Mary Dunn

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