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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    October 10, 2011

    Italy admitted mistake, why can’t Maine?

    In Italy, prosecutors, seemingly on leave from a comic opera, insisted that “she devil” Amanda Knox was guilty of murder, no matter what science and common sense indicated. It took four years for justice to prevail. Yet in Maine, supposedly a land of sober Yankee rectitude, for more than 20 years Dennis Dechaine has been […]

  • Published
    October 10, 2011

    Keep gambling jobs, money in Maine

    I would like to ask the media why they are so anti-casino. Are the people profiting from all other gambling venues gagging our local paper? Does sending millions of dollars to Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun, Atlantic City, etc., make sense? Do we sponsor bus tours to these places? Do we advocate $20 scratch tickets? Does our […]

  • Published
    October 10, 2011

    Awlaki murdered without due process of US law

    Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen and a radical Muslim cleric, was assassinated by the U.S. last week in Yemen. Under U.S. law, lethal force can be employed outside of a war zone, as Awlaki was, only in the narrowest and most extraordinary circumstances: When there is a concrete, specific and imminent threat of an attack. […]

  • Published
    October 9, 2011

    American Jobs Act just a stack of recycled papers

    I write in response to the letter, “While GOP plays politics, Obama builds jobs” (letter, Sept. 27). The American Jobs Act is nothing more than a stack of recycled papers. Barack Obama’s own Democratic Party controls the Senate and won’t put its leader’s jobs bill on the schedule. In fact, when the Democrats controlled both […]

  • Published
    October 9, 2011

    Bible no defense for hateful sentiment

    I’d like to extract some key words Elaine Graham used in her letter of Sept. 29, that she used to describe Maine’s LGTB citizens: Bizarre, perverse, unholy, unwholesome, unhealthy and unnatural. Graham expressed her true feelings by employing those demoralizing words. To universally strike down by means of terrorizing language gay unions of any type […]

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  • Published
    October 9, 2011

    It’s important to look at world from every angle

    I was impressed with the cartoon on the newspaper’s opinion page of Sept. 27. It depicted a chair on the left with a set of papers marked “peace talks .” Next to it was an Israeli flag. On the opposite side of the table was another chair, “peace talk” papers and a Palestinian flag. Only […]

  • Published
    October 9, 2011

    Seeking info about relatives’ descendants

    My late father’s uncle, Joseph Thomas Gosnay, and cousin, Thomas Froggett Gosnay, immigrated to America in 1876. I understand that the cousin became a plate printer and worked on a newspaper in Maine. They used to write to my father, but later we lost contact. I recollect that my father mentioned a Helen Parker as […]

  • Published
    October 8, 2011

    Heck is best choice for Waterville’s future

    On Nov. 8, I’m voting for Karen Heck to be Waterville’s next mayor. Whether Karen is leading the fight against domestic violence, starting businesses or volunteering to support downtown businesses such as Barrels Market, she is focused on innovation and strengthening and sustaining community assets. Some say the mayor is a figurehead position. That may […]

  • Published
    October 8, 2011

    Blaming Obama, but mess is all Bush’s fault

    Thirty years ago, when I was a working stiff, I gladly paid my taxes. When I worked more overtime, I paid more. I never made a million dollars but would have paid my taxes if I did. We live in a great country, and it was my duty to pay them. Wealthy people are cheapskates […]

  • Published
    October 8, 2011

    Bring troops home, use defense funds here

    The war in Afghanistan alone costs $213,000 per minute, $112 billion per year. Think about that for a minute. Is your school system having trouble paying for necessary items and staff? How could this sum help? Is there a person qualified for college in your household who wishes to attend but can’t afford the cost […]