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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Senators’ piece had its good points, and not so good

    I read the op-ed piece written by Sens. Roger Katz and Brian Langley that was co-signed by my senator, Tom Saviello, in this newspaper. I very much appreciated the sentiment expressed that Gov. Paul LePage’s tone, demeanor and belittling comments have no place in Maine political discourse. Putting people down, dismissing their concerns and removing […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Better things to focus on than whoopie pies, murals

    Whoopie pies and the labor mural are about the only news we have read in the newspaper or have seen on local television channels. The whoopie pie story is a joke, considering all the problems we actually have to address in the state. How many Mainers ever heard about or saw the mural before it […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    When will LePage realize he’s ‘not helping Maine’

    Last week, we flew at 30,000 feet from San Francisco to Boston after one month abroad with no Internet, radio or TV. No news, is good news, I thought. How wrong I was. I walked to the back of the plane for some exercise and a glass of water. “Where are you from?” the flight […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Manners, respect two qualities LePage needs

    Inquiring minds find it very interesting that Paul LePage is so anti-union, when, as a former Scott Paper Co. employee, the union played a major part in his life. Scott Paper Company was a union mill. If, by chance, LePage was management, he still benefited from the mill’s union employees. It would have been the […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    LePage’s actions reminds of a poster seen years ago

    Paul LePage reminds me of a poster I saw years ago that said: “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no class.” John Bolduc Hubbardston, Mass. (Waterville native)

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  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Time to make ‘hope and change’ happen

    With all the problems facing the city of Augusta and the state of Maine, I find it deplorable that Working America, affiliated with the AFL-CIO, went door-to-door in the Sand Hill neighborhood of Augusta. Drugs, prostitution, and burglaries plague this neighborhood ,and many people there are completely dependent on state aid. Responsible, taxpaying citizens need […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    ‘Let’s add to the solution, not be the problem’

    I am sick and tired of the constant crybabying about Gov. Paul LePage. For once, we have elected a real businessman who is trying to bring this state back from bankruptcy and having to fight every step of the way. Most businesses have a six-month to a year probation policy. LePage has been in office […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Project Graduation gets big lift from Red Barn

    I would like to share with your readers the wonderful opportunity that was afforded the junior class at Maranacook Community High School. We were invited by the Red Barn to participate with it on March 28 to raise funds for our Project Graduation. We had great participation by our students, their families and members of […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Quality of life is reason most people live here

    It used to be said, “As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” Now with current efforts to dismantle environmental and social safeguards, I hope this saying won’t become: “As the nation goes, so Maine follows.” Our motto is “Dirigo,” which means “I lead.” After all, for our future health, I believe we need to take […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    State retiree deserves pension that was promised

    For 23 years, I worked in public service, most in the Maine Department of Health & Human Services and the last 12 years with MaineCare. Then I had to retire because of a life-threatening illness. Now my disability pension is under threat by the governor’s budget plan. My payments have been frozen at the same […]