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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    April 4, 2011

    LePage ‘transparency’ means muzzling the media

    Democracy has always been the most difficult of all forms of government since it requires the widest spread of intelligence, and we forgot to make ourselves intelligent when we made ourselves sovereign. It may be true that you can’t “fool all the people all the time” but you can fool enough of them to govern […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    LePage’s raid of benefits package will hurt Maine

    Tony Payne’s column on March 21 discusses public and private sector retirement. One of his points is that raising the retirement age is reasonable, given that people live longer now. Let’s think some about some issues this could raise. The work force will retain more older people who ordinarily would have been replaced by younger […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    Some business owners don’t care about workers

    On March 25, 1911 (100 years ago), a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City resulted in the deaths of 146 workers. Most were young girls, aged 16-23, who worked 47 hours per week. The building had four possible escapes from the flames. The fire escape was possibly broken before the fire […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    LePage’s polarization is counterproductive

    Why Gov. Paul LePage fails to realize that polarization is counterproductive baffles me.

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    LePage’s polarization is counterproductive

    Why Gov. Paul LePage fails to realize that polarization is counterproductive baffles me. The mural brouhaha show a serious lack of understanding on his part. Rather than being depicted as some fearful little man running around the neighborhood with a spray can defacing anything he feels isn’t promoting his political agenda, wouldn’t it have been […]

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  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    LePage is making long-dead Mainers turn over in graves

    Paul LePage certainly is a magician: He has been able to make our parents and grandparents and their parents turn over in their graves. We come from a long line of small business owners and farmers, as well as nurses, teachers, postal workers, and cotton, shoe and paper mill workers. We have always been proud […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    LePage, Rotary advisers reminded of Four Way Test

    Rotary founder Paul Harris realized the importance of a prosperous business community. Over the course of a lifetime, he invited community business leaders to join in fellowship and service to their communities believing that “he profits most who serves best.” One of the hallmarks of Rotary is the Four Way Test. The Test consists of […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    Precautionary approach to chemicals best for kids

    As a professor of environmental policy, I write in response to Jon Reisman’s March 26 column criticizing the policy basis of the Kid-Safe Products Act. Reisman takes issue with a precautionary approach to assessing a chemical’s impact on children. He would like to see the burden of proof fall on the public rather than the […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2011

    Simple solution to issue of bathrooms for transgender

    I will be the first to admit that I don’t understand transgender very much, but rather than spend way too much money arguing about it, and worrying about protecting students’ safety, why not build a few more bathrooms? One for everyone. Cathy Cook Breau Burnham

  • Published
    April 2, 2011

    Does LePage think he can rewrite history on mural?

    I am outraged at Gov. Paul LePage’s latest attention-grabbing ploy. The governor wanted the mural removed because he doesn’t want to give an impression of bias favoring labor over business? Who does he think supports the businesses, if not the laborers? Does he believe that he can rewrite history by removing the visual struggles of […]