Well, our Maine politicians are at it again. I wonder who made money by legalizing fireworks?

I also wonder when the insurance companies will figure out how much extra to charge for fireworks-related costs.

When I inquired about homeowners insurance, I was given the third degree. I had to sell my trampoline. I could not have a dog that could bite. I could not have a slide on my pool. I had to have a fence around my pool. I had to have a double-flue chimney to burn wood. I could not have fuses for my power. Etc. etc. etc. All these things are for safety.

So, if fireworks cause fires will the insurance company pay? If severe burns, loss of sight and/or hearing occurs is this covered under medical insurance? I suppose not. Not if the common sense rules of safety apply.

When a neighbor launches burning embers over our homes, who pays? Mainecare? Taxpayers?

Maybe it falls under the category of Who Cares? As long as somebody profits.

Edwin Morris


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