Party affiliation:


Social media accounts:

Database developer

Lots of college

Community Organizations:
American Legion; Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Endlessly curious about how things work.
A perennial believer in people’s good intentions.
Retired infantry officer (and former sergeant), way back when.
Still working for a living in civilian life.

Family status:

Years in the Legislature:


Committee assignments (if elected):
None listed.


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
Success would be competent, sustainable government — with measured results ahead of claims, needs before wants, facts driving decisions, and leadership held accountable — so that everyday Mainers can earn enough to support ourselves and our future.

2) Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
Government should encourage informed voter input.

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