Our Sen. Susan Collins voted with other Republicans against funding the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). The majority of the Senate approved funding for Obamacare and funding the government until Nov. 15. The vote was 54-44.

I can’t understand why Collins would not want to fund seniors’ “Wellness Preventive Care,” under Obamacare.

Maine has one of the highest elderly populations in this country. Preventative care funding would save millions of dollars to Medicare when health problems are found early and preventable. Why would she want seniors who don’t get preventative care to flood emergency rooms with serious medical needs?

Her no vote to defund Obamacare would allow insurance companies to drop folks from pre-existing conditions.

Voting no was to eliminate 30 million people who don’t have health insurance to be able to obtain affordable healthcare under Obamacare.

Her no vote to repeal Obamacare would stop young people from obtaining inexpensive health insurance at the cost of about $80 a month, plus stop young folks under age 26 to stay on their parents insurance.


Is this the kind of person Maine wants to continue representing us in Washington? I think not. Collins is not looking out for the people of Maine. Instead, she is looking to feather her nest for future elections.

Mainers need to change what is broken in Washington by cleaning house to elect folks who put Mainers first. Since Collins voted for the government shutdown, Maine needs to shut her down too.

Joan Gilbert-Croteau


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