Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers will welcome Maine’s State Apiarist and Bee Inspector Jennifer Lund to its monthly outdoor meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at the home of Andy Abello, 372 Middle Road in Edgecomb.

Lund will talk about fall management including Varroa treatments and preparing honey bees for winter. She will open hives describing what she sees with recommendations and observations.

Lund has a Master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Maine and has almost 20 years of entomological experience. Before becoming the state apiarist, she was a research technician in the entomology department at the University of Maine in Orono.

Some of the honeybee projects she has worked on over the years include a national colony collapse disorder study, honeybee colony health comparisons of top bar and Langstroth hives, integrated Varroa mite control effectiveness, the role of honeybees as vectors of blueberry disease, sub-lethal effects on colonies to low level pesticide exposure, and health of migratory hives arriving in the State of Maine for blueberry pollination.

Aside from managing the honeybee inspection program and helping Maine beekeepers protect their hives, she has several of her own hives that she maintains on her farm in Arglye Township.

Bring a veil/protective equipment, a lawn chair and bag lunch. There will be a wrap up over lunch with a question and answer time.

For more information and directions, visit

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