We ask people to please think before they vote.

You know how an indulgent parent smiles and acts as if their spoiled brat is the best-behaved kid in the world? The kid, seeing his parent’s approval of his misbehavior, doubles his actions and becomes even more of a disciplinary problem.

That is what will happen if people vote for Eliot Cutler. Cutler doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance of winning, but we fear he will get Maine’s spoiled brat re-elected, and the brat will double his boorish behavior thinking he has the voters’ approval.

Does anyone really want to be a laughing stock for the next four years just because they voted the way they wanted — for Cutler?

Paul LePage said in the Tuesday debate that if the election was just between him and Mike Michaud, the election would be over. He got that right. Michaud would win by a landslide.

Austin and Marti Brann


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