Imagine if all U.S. police officers suddenly suffered from the Blue Flu. Maybe then people would appreciate them more and realize that the police are out there to keep law and order and also protect us. They put their lives on the line every day that they strap on their firearms. What if they all called out sick for 24 hours, what would we do?

This Michael Brown thing in Ferguson, Mo., will this ever go away? Brown, an adult, may have committed two crimes on Aug. 9, the day he was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson — theft and assault on a police officer, according to some witnesses. He may not have been the angel that many seem to think he was.

I was a large city police officer and also a U.S. Army military policeman, and I’d love to take Al Sharpton on a ride-along one evening. Sharpton does more to harm race relations than he does to help. I also wonder why he seems to be an adviser to this president, from whom we have seen plenty of change, but little hope.

I believe the shooting of Brown was justified, and I think that if Brown had killed the officer, the incident most likely would not have even been reported nationwide.

I thank all police officers throughout this United States for their service. I believe Brown did have his hands up — just before he hit the officer in the head and tried to get his firearm.

Kenneth F. Simpson

Lexington Township

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