I am 10 years old and in the fourth grade. My family has been teaching me about the history of our country. We discuss things that are happening around the country and in our state.

My mom and Grammy have said that the people here have spent too much money, and now we can’t pay all of our bills.

I am only 10, but I know you shouldn’t spend more money then you have.

I hear a lot of people say bad things about Gov. Paul LePage. They say he doesn’t care about the people of Maine.

I don’t think that’s true. I know that he is a nice man, because I met him. He visited me before I had my open heart surgery last summer.

I think he is working hard to solve the debt issue because he cares about our state and its people. If we don’t have enough money to pay the bills, we do need to develop and follow a budget.


If not, kids like me and my little sisters will end up paying the owed debt. Gov. LePage is working very hard to prevent this from happening.

Our budget problems remind me of my heart problems. It was hard to go through the pain of a big operation, but I knew I had to in order to fix the problem. Now my heart works the way it should.

Perhaps the people of Maine can make sacrifices also so we can fix the money problems we have. We should work together to fix our problems. I want to thank Gov. LePage for all of his hard work and for taking on the big issues.

Alyssa Bean


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