WINSLOW — A 16-year-old was charged today with driving to endanger and issued a ticket for violating license restrictions, a day after the SUV he was driving went off Garland Road and rolled over three times.

The two adults and three youths who were injured Monday were all treated and released from MaineGeneral Medical Center in Waterville by Tuesday morning, according to investigating officer Ron McGowen.

The teenage driver, whose identity was not released because of his age, was issued a $137 ticket because he had only an interim license.

“With an interim license, he cannot have any passengers in the vehicle, other than immediate family members,” McGowen said.

The newly-licensed driver told police that he was driving about 85 mph at the time of the accident. The speed limit is 45 mph on that portion of the road.

Four people in the 2005 Chevrolet Equinox were ejected from the vehicle, landing 10 to 15 feet from it in a pasture; one was not ejected, McGowen said.


McGowen said the Equinox was traveling south when the accident happened near 295 Garland Road and was reported by a passerby at 3:37 p.m.

“They lost control going over a knoll or a hill, went sideways and rolled the vehicle over approximately three times before coming to rest,” McGowen said.

The Chevrolet landed on all four wheels in the pasture, about 100 feet from the east side of the road, according to McGowen. The vehicle was destroyed, he said.

The front passenger was a female, 14; the only passenger wearing a seatbelt, a boy, 16, was sitting in the right rear passenger seat, according to McGowen.

Jacob York, 19, of Winslow, was sitting in the middle of the back seat before the crash; Tinecha Hallee, 20, of Winslow, was sitting in the rear seat, behind the driver, according to McGowen.

At the scene, traffic was backed up Garland Road as emergency workers helped the injured and got them into ambulances. Winslow and Waterville firefighters worked at the scene, as did Winslow police. Besides McGowen, Lt. Michael Tuminaro and Officer Josh Veilleux, who also is the school resource officer, assisted.

McGowen said it was unknown where the SUV was coming from and where it was going before the crash.

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