Jim Loomis (letter, June 25) asked how Steven Lake got to pull the trigger. It comes down to irresponsibility and selfishness on his part. He can’t put the blame on others. He did it.

Lake was mentally ill and did not get the help he needed. Even though he sought counseling, if he wasn’t totally honest with his counselor, it doesn’t help.

The judicial system failed Amy, Coty and Monica by not forcing him to go to trial sooner. But that again was Lake’s fault; he postponed his trial several times because he knew he was going to jail. I also think the judicial system should have kept him in jail after his second violation.

I thank Chris Almy for all he did for Amy and the kids. When he said Steven was going to control the situation and have his way, he was 100 percent right. Steven knew the rules of his bail conditions but he chose to do it his way. No one could get through to him, not even his parents; he was an adult.

I was Steven’s aunt, but I am an Amy, Coty and Monica supporter all the way.

Things do need to change in our judicial system. We need an Amy’s Law to protect domestic violence victims.

Charlene Goodridge, Madison

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