On these hot summer days, the old road to Unity Pond always comes to my mind.

Back in the 1940s, all of us King kids, and even Mum and Dad, waited in anticipation for the right-hand turn we had to take off the main road. Down a hill, over railroad tracks, more dirt road then — “I see the water!” Whoever yelled it first was the winner.

Although we didn’t go on family vacations, summers were always exciting. Every Sunday after church we went to Unity Pond for a day of swimming and picnicking. Mum always packed a great lunch.

We would roll out of the car, running to the water’s edge, knowing full well that we’d better not step in before Mum or Dad were there. We all knew about “the big dropoff.” Actually, it was just a small, gradual slope of fine sand, but we all fantasized that it was huge and that people might never see us again if we got too close.

We went right to our favorite spot. Dad would collect twigs for a fire. And, then right on time, here would come the Bickfords. They were family friends and they had lots of kids, too. Boys and girls both, so we all had someone to play with.

When Dad finished collecting the twigs, he would make a fire and as the fire grew, he would sharpen the best sticks for hot dogs. “Fire’s ready,” he would yell.


Despite the fun we kids were having in the water, we never kept a hot dog waiting.

Carla King Colucci


formerly of Fairfield

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