I have never before seen the leaders of this country call other citizens names such as racist, stupid and terrorist.

The tea party movement seems to be a growing phenomenon; ordinary people are worried and getting involved. People are dissatisfied with Washington, D.C., and the direction we’re going, especially government spending beyond our means. If we’re not careful, we’ll be like Greece. A terrifying thought!

With all the discussion about the debt ceiling, this country’s going bankrupt, a news article on Aug. 3 said, “The ratings agency wants to see a credible plan to reduce the budget deficit to a level that would secure the United States’ ‘AAA’ status.”

The key words are, “credible plan to reduce the budget deficit.” Interesting; that’s what the tea party movement is saying. With the recent budget vote, why is it that, in the House and Senate, Democrats or Republicans, no one was demonized for their “yes” or “no” vote, but tea partiers were demonized for their concern.

We could all argue as to who is at fault: President Bush, President Obama or Congress, but that isn’t the issue. The issue is out-of-control spending.

There are disagreements for sure, but balancing the budget is important.


My other pet peeve is high unemployment, which has not been helped by spending. I, like many others, am worried about what the future holds for our children.

The main point of this letter is: Shame on the president, vice president and some in Congress that disrespect citizens, calling them names, the latest being they’re terrorist. I don’t much care on which side anyone sits politically, since we all see things differently, but its sad this is happening. We have people who truly hate this country and want to kill all of us. They’re the terrorists!

Linda Lemieux


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