“IN TIME” Writer-director Andrew Niccol (“Gattaca,” “Lord of War”) returns with a sci-fi tale that is not — repeat, not — a remake of “Logan’s Run.” Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy and Vincent Kartheiser are some of the inhabitants of this alternate universe where everyone stops aging at 25. The catch? You only get to live one more year — unless you’re rich enough to buy yourself immortality. 109 minutes (PG-13)

“LOVE CRIME” Office politics turn lethal in this dark, smart thriller in which a calculating corporate executive, played by a suitably icy Kristin Scott Thomas, squares off against the young assistant she’s mentoring — and shamelessly stealing from. Ludivine Sagnier (“Swimming Pool”) is the eager apprentice who, feeling disillusioned and betrayed, turns on her boss. It doesn’t help that both women are sleeping with the same man. 104 minutes (not rated)

“PUSS IN BOOTS” The feline swashbuckler (voice by Antonio Banderas) from the “Shrek” movies gets his own 3-D adventure. 90 minutes (PG)

“QUESTION 1” On May 6, 2009, Maine became the first state in the United States to legislatively grant same-sex couples the right to marry. Seven months later Maine reversed, becoming the 31st state in the U.S. to say no to gay and lesbian marriage. It was an outcome that took the country by storm, and surprised many. “Question 1” chronicles the fierce and emotional battle that took place in Maine during that time, a battle with political symbolism as a bellwether for the greater ideological battlefield in American politics. The film follows several intimates from both sides of the campaign and tells the story not just of the battle of the referendum, but the motivations of those that give so much of themselves to the campaign. 95 minutes (not rated)

“THE RUM DIARY” Devout Hunter S. Thompson fan Johnny Depp once again stars in an adaptation of the gonzo journalist’s work, this one based on a novel about an American journalist freelancing for a newspaper in 1950s Puerto Rico. 120 minutes (R)


“THE BIG YEAR” David Frankel (“Marley and Me”) returns with this comedy about three avid birdwatchers (Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson) competing for the big prize at a national competition. We’re smiling already. 103 Minutes (PG)



“COURAGEOUS” Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson and Shane Fuller are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. 129 minutes (PG13)

“DOLPHIN TALE” Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd and Harry Connick Jr. are among the stars of this family-friendly tale about a boy who befriends a dolphin that lost its tail in a crab trap. 113 Minutes (PG)

“50/50” Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers an immensely moving performance as a young man diagnosed with terminal cancer who relies on the help of his best friend (Seth Rogen) to beat the titular odds of survival. 99 Minutes (R)

“FOOTLOOSE” The 1984 Kevin Bacon hit gets a contemporary redo by “Hustle & Flow” director Craig Brewer. Newcomer Kenny Wormald takes over as the big-city teen who relocates to a small town where a reverend (Dennis Quaid) has outlawed loud music and dancing. This is our time, dammit! Kick off those Sunday shoes. 113 Minutes (PG)

“MONEYBALL” This adaptation of Michael Lewis’ book, about an epiphany by Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), who figures out how to stay competitive in the major leagues under a tight budget, is like “The Social Network” of baseball. Directed by Bennett Miller (“Capote”) and written by Steven Zaillian (“Schindler’s List”) and Aaron Sorkin (“The Social Network”). 133 Minutes (PG13)


“PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3” Now that “Saw” has run its course, a new horror franchise steps in to spawn a sequel every Halloween. This third installment in the hush-hush series promises to be an origin tale — where did that demon come from, anyway? — and is rumored to be set in the 1980s. 84 Minutes (R)


“REAL STEAL” “Real Steel” is an action drama about a former boxer (Hugh Jackman) who, against all odds, gets one last shot at a comeback when he teams up with his estranged son to build and train the perfect contender for the new high-tech sport of robot boxing. Starring Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Anthony Mackie and Kevin Durand. Directed by Shawn Levy. Written by John Gatins and Dan Gilroy. 127 Minutes (PG-13)

“THE THING” This prequel to the 1982 John Carpenter chiller — still one of the scariest movies ever — features the same title but tells a different tale, revealing what really happened to those frozen Norwegian scientists the cast of the original film found slaughtered in Antarctica. Hint: A shape-shifting alien from another planet may have had something to do with it. Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton and Jonathan Lloyd Walker co-star for director Matthijs van Heijningen Jr., who makes his debut. 103 Minutes (R)

“THE THREE MUSKETEERS” Matthew MacFadyen, Luke Evans and Ray Stevenson (I know, I know; who?) are the titular trio, made a quartet by the addition of the hot-headed D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) and facing off against baddies played by Christoph Waltz and Orlando Bloom. The movie is not being screened in advance for critics, so don’t expect much. 110 Minutes (PG13)

— Compiled from wire reports

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