In my 24 years as an Oakland resident, I have seen my taxes go up 18 of those 24 years. The annual increases on my .44 acres of land have ranged from $12.19 to $609.88 in just one year. That comes out to $2,980.48 in just tax increases since 1987, once again less than half-acre of land.

In the worse economic times since the Great Depression and the financial uncertainty that we all face, we must ask whether this is the right time to spend another $5 million for a new police, fire and municipal building, on top of the $10 million of other projects to which we are already committed.

The recent biomass project was approved because only 2 percent of eligible voters got out to vote. The Oakland vote was a tie at 79-79. Other towns tipped the scales in favor of the project. Many Oakland residents are just trying to hold on to their current homes. For now, Oakland’s municipal departments should hang on to theirs.

Please vote on Nov. 8.

Gary A. Bennett


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