State employees perform remarkable work throughout the year. They connect Maine people with needed services. They provide guidance and resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

In countless ways, they help families, strengthen the economy, improve communities and make Maine a more productive and inviting place to live. 

This time of year, however, state employees accomplish even more. Each fall, state workers and retirees open their hearts and wallets to support the charities of their choice through a little-known workplace giving campaign, the Maine State Employees Combined Charitable Appeal (MSECCA).

For more than 30 years,  thousands of state employees have donated millions of dollars to charities. This charitable fundraising effort has improved lives and given families new opportunities in many Maine communities.

Gov. Paul R. LePage has dedicated this year’s MSECCA campaign to the dozens of outstanding volunteers who reach out to their coworkers to explain the appeal and ask for participation. LePage and his wife, Ann, have been leaders in the

Waterville Area United Way

campaign in the past and understand how much work goes into an annual workplace giving campaign.


The governor joins me in expressing our sincere gratitude to these dedicated volunteers and contributors.

MSECCA volunteers, some of whom have served for more than 20 years, devote time, energy and creativity to explain about the 500 charities that benefit from the fund drive.

It’s important to recognize outstanding contributions and exemplary service by government workers. When public-sector employees not only meet their day-to-day work obligations, but also go to incredible lengths to help their neighbors, the public should be made aware.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.” Each fall, I’m reminded of the greatness of so many state workers as they turn their attention — through MSECCA — to charities that help the poorest among us, as well as our seniors, individuals with disabilities and many others.

Because so many state employees live and work in central Maine, this region realizes extra benefits from MSECCA. Virtually any charity we can think of in this part of Maine receives support from state employees.

Last year, despite a challenging economy, state employees contributed $330,000 to MSECCA charities. Since 1990, they have donated $5 million.


The 2011 appeal is under way. As the economy struggles to improve, the needs in our communities remain numerous, making MSECCA more important than ever. Our goal this year is $350,000. We encourage state employees to visit the MSECCA website (, where updates are posted and donations can be made. The website makes it easy to schedule a secure payroll deduction pledge or to offer a one-time contribution of any amount.

Maine people should be proud of the work being done each day by state employees both in their jobs and through MSECCA. Their contributions are often unknown, but they make a world of difference.


Anne Head is commissioner of the Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and chairwoman of the Maine State Employees Combined Charitable Appeal.

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