The Republican-led Congress stated that it would only be in session for 127 days in 2012. What are they going to do for the other 238 days?

If in reality they are part-time Congress people, do they receive only part-time pay? Were they voted in by us and their districts to work only part-time? Generally when one works part-time, benefits are awarded accordingly and I suspect that representatives continue receiving benefits as full-time workers. Not so for the general population.

President George Bush initiated the Iraq war in 2003, and before he left office he stated that he would bring the troops home at the end of 2011. President Barack Obama is bringing this promise to fruition, but is getting flack from the Republicans while trying to bring closure to this ridiculous conflict that has taken thousands of lives of our U.S. men and women.

I wonder how many Republicans in office have children in the military, or is it just the men and women whose parents are not millionaires? Do they think it is satisfactory for only the middle class and the poor to participate in war? They seem to think that war is OK for everybody but themselves and their families.

They may think that re-election for them is a sure thing, but I think not.

Roland Rancourt


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