It has come to my attention that downtown parking is being misused by employees or business owners in the Concourse.

Some of these people are parking in non-star spots that should be available for use by customers shopping downtown. My mother would love to shop downtown more; she likes the personal service from the businesses there that she doesn’t get at the big stores. At 71 and unable to walk from the further parking spots, however, she has just chosen not to shop. I have occasionally dropped her off in front of a store, but people hate waiting while she gets out of the car.

I would like to park in a nearby spot, but they often are taken by one of those inconsiderate people who work downtown. I have made a separate trip later in the day and have seen the same cars parked in the same spaces so I assume they have been parked there all day.

One of the downtown merchants, who happens to be one of my friends, also has noted this inconsiderate parking. I suggest that downtown businesses and their employees should park in the star spots so the customers can have the close spots for the 15 to 20 minutes they will be in a store. That is what those parking spaces are intended for, after all, the convenience of your customers.

Anissa Tibbetts


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