VASSALBORO — Four letters and more study of his private road stand between Leo Barnett and approval of an expansion of his Old Meadow Road subdivision off Riverside Drive.

Barnett wants to create four additional lots by redividing three of the existing lots. Planning Board members Tuesday night ruled that his preliminary application was complete, but for a final application he needs:

* A letter from the state Department of Transportation saying he complied with state requirements to extend paving on Riverside Drive by the subdivision entrance.

* A letter from Vassalboro Road Commissioner Eugene Field saying the subdivision’s interior road is built to town specifications.

* A letter from Vassalboro Fire Chief Eric Rowe saying emergency vehicles will be able to access the expended subdivision.

* A letter from Town Manager Mary Sabins saying the additional lots will not unduly burden town services.


* The original road plans from when the first 10 lots were approved several years ago;

* And possibly more work on the road.

Barnett said he has left messages for David Allen of the state transportation department but received no reply.

Field visited the subdivision, but had not prepared written comments on the road, Barnett and board member Leon Cummings said. Cummings also inspected the road and talked with Field.

The interior road was the main topic to which board members kept returning during almost two hours of discussion Tuesday.

They did not agree on what needs to be done to make it meet requirements.


Barnett said Field’s main issues were the paving and the alignment of the 20-foot travel way within the 50-foot right-of-way.

Cummings, citing his 38 years’ experience as a developer, said the road needs better crowning, wider shoulders in places, better ditching and therefore new driveway culverts. He questioned the depth of the gravel base and of the paving material.

In Cumming’s opinion, it does not matter that the center of the paved road varies by up to 11 inches in one place from the center of the right of way.

Code Enforcement Officer Daniel Feeney agreed that the lack of a crown and inadequate ditching were problems. He and Cummings want the gravel base tested.

Barnett and Feeney planned to agree on a time when they and Field will look at the road together, with Planning Board members invited. Cummings promptly said he would come.


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