For 16 years, Sen. Olympia Snowe has voted against her own party and with the Democrats.

A few years ago, her vote broke a tie, defeating an effort to allow us to drill for more oil in Alaska.

Her reason was that she felt it would disrupt the paths caribou use.

I ask, what about the paths we have to use to get to work at $3.43 per gallon? Isn’t this disrupting our paths? Where was her common sense?

We’re being blackmailed and world peace is being threatened by Middle Eastern nations that want to see us destroyed.

Our politicians earn $175,000 per year plus perks, but they are living in a different world. We never see or hear from Snowe until it’s time for her re-election. She’s labeled a moderate, while she plays both sides. Her being a moderate often hurts us here in Maine.

I’m taking a look at Scott D’Amboise, even if our local papers aren’t.

Don Phair


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