FAIRFIELD –Tracey Stevens knows Fairfield and its residents.

For nearly eight years, the town clerk has kept track of births, marriages and deaths, as well as licensed dogs, issued permits, managed the municipal website and run elections.

She’ll soon be leaving what she calls “information central” to take the same position in Freeport.

April 28 will be her last day on the job.

“I’ll miss the residents the most,” Stevens said. “There are many, many wonderful citizens here.”

Stevens, 40, said she has loved the job’s challenges and rewards, including digitizing the town’s vital records, all of which were on paper when she arrived in August 2004.


She cited opportunities for personal and professional growth as reasons for the move.

“I want to move near the coast, and I think in the Cumberland County area my children will have better opportunities for success in the future,” said Stevens, who has two daughters — Kaela Poulin, 17, and Kelsey Stevens, 9.

Stevens, who grew up in Sidney, said she and her husband, Jacob Stevens, will move to Southern Maine as soon as their Fairfield home sells.

The four-day workweek in Freeport also will allow Stevens to continue her education more easily, she said.

Stevens is working on becoming a certified municipal clerk. After that, she said, she plans to become a master municipal clerk.

The International Institute of Municipal Clerks runs both programs, which teach town clerks how to handle a number of tasks, from public speaking to day-to-day management of a municipal office, she said.


Stevens, who graduated from Messalonskee High School and Thomas College, said the job requires considerable organizational skills.

“Running elections is my favorite,” Stevens said. “There’s a lot of paperwork, and I get to be out in public and see residents. I’m there to help.”

She also will be giving up her duties in Fairfield as registrar of voters, welfare director, Community Center manager and webmaster.

Town Manager Josh Reny praised Stevens for helping Fairfield move into the digital age.

“Tracey has certainly been an asset to the town of Fairfield and has contributed immeasurably to the operation of town government,” he said. “We are happy she has found an opportunity to progress in her career, but she will be sorely missed.”

Reny said a number of people have applied for the post, and applications are still being accepted.

Beth Staples — 861-9252


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