I was relieved to learn on MPBN’s “Morning Report” that the Legislature, has wisely agreed to retain funding for “Morning Report” and other treasures offered on public radio. The collective stations of MPBM are great places for all Mainers to learn much.

This looming issue had become a “political football” and, in the governor’s own unique and distinctive vocabulary, “corporate welfare.” Preposterous.

I am grateful to both sides of the legislative aisle for overriding this most recent assault on Maine’s cultural landscape emanating from the current brain trust in the Blaine House.

Today, MPBN holds its “Super Thursday” campaign drive. As the Legislature diligently and courageously grapples to sort out the wheat from the chaff, I will be pledging, and I encourage others, especially during these contentious days of Maine governance to invest in and ensure thoughtful, nutritious programming in Maine.

I particularly enjoy Garrison Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac” at 9 a.m. on MPBM, featuring notable writers’ birthdays and concluding with a light-hearted or otherwise uplifting poem.

I often wonder if my favorite retired journalist, M.D. Harmon, is tuned in and if M.D. enjoys this witty, intelligent banter as much as I do. One can only hope.

I commend and remain grateful to the Maine Legislature for recognizing and continuing to embrace and support the value of Maine Public Broadcasting Network.

Buddy Doyle


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