The current climate in Maine politics is shocking and frustrating to many state residents.

Gov. Paul LePage has made many bold moves and has been working on sweeping change and reform in the state budget; however, he has done so without the proper support of his constituents.

When LePage was elected, the vote came down to a virtual tie between him and the independent candidate Elliot Cutler. It is a far cry to assume that LePage has a mandate, yet he has conducted himself in a manner that indicates that he feels as though he speaks for the state as a whole.

There are people from all ends of the political spectrum in Maine, but LePage’s actions speak only to the conservative and budget-oriented members of this state’s population.

This view of financial responsibility trumping human dignity is not acceptable.

LePage’s cuts to the noncategorical citizens in Maine are causing unnecessary hardship for those in need. The noncategorical coverage represents those individuals who have fallen through the cracks of MaineCare coverage, not, as the governor implies, a population of do-nothings who sponge off the state for their lifestyle.

These proposals are a detriment to health and therefore a detriment to the state. The proposed budget cuts will come full circle: The government will be forced to pick up the bill when noncategorical citizens are forced to use emergency rooms for noncritical needs since they will have no insurance coverage for a primary care physician.

Ryan Pelton


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