Abby Shahn (letter, “Those on the bottom spend money, help economy,” May 17) said when people get help with their needs, they buy food, clothing “and take the kids to a movie.”

Excuse me, did I hear that correctly? “A movie”? That is what she considers a need?

I have worked hard for many years now to support myself, feed and clothe myself and buy a rare movie ticket, and I pay taxes.

She says jobs are scarce out there. I say, from what I have seen, that people willing to actually work to earn a paycheck are scarce.

What on earth makes her feel that those of us who work hard, often at low-wage jobs owe her a living or a movie? She seems to think the government giving her money I earned so she can spend it is how the economy works. Does she really think I owe her a nice little trip to the movies with her kids?

The governor, on this matter, is absolutely correct. All those able-bodied people who expect the government to feed, clothe, house and entertain them need to get off their duffs and work to earn the privilege to take their kids to a movie. In fact, if people who collect financial help from the government ought to do something to earn it, like cleaning streets or other needed work.


I want my taxes to go to real needs like road repairs, maintenance and schools. I would rather help those who absolutely truly cannot work, or to those who do work diligently at a low-wage job, and need a little boost, not those who are too lazy to work.

I hope the government stops using my money to help the able-bodied go to the movies.

Carla Heisten


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