VASSALBORO — Residents will consider town and school budgets Monday that propose to increase the taxes by $1 per $1,000 of property valuation.

The tax increase, from a $10 to $11 rate, is because the state is sending $467,146 less to the school system for the fiscal year that starts July 1, said superintendent Eric Haley, who manages Alternative Organizational Structure 92, which serves Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow.

“Our budget is again less than it has been the previous year,” he said. “Even though expenditures are down, you can still be asked to put up more local taxes if revenues drop off a cliff.”

The proposed budget is $6.6 million, which is $116,191 lower than the current spending plan.

The budget will be considered at the annual Town Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Vassalboro Community School on Webber Pond Road.

Town Manager Mary Sabins said the $1.7 million town budget is down slightly from last year as the town tried to hold the line in anticipation of the need for more funding for the schools.


Other issues that will come up at town meeting include:

* The expenditure of $237,520 for paving work on Stone Road, Riva Ridge, Dollis Avenue and Danielle Avenue.

* Ordinance changes that will require those who apply for building permits or subdivisions in the well-head protection area to notify the East Vassalboro Water Co. of the proposal.

Donald Robbins, co-owner of the company, said the move is meant to bring the town into compliance with state and federal law. The proposal proved controversial at an April Planning Board public hearing where opponents said the change would have the affect of bringing zoning to the town.

Robbins said the water company will have no power to reject projects.

“We will have no ability to veto or deny anybody’s use of their property,” he said.


* A proposal to exempt active duty military personnel from the vehicle excise tax. Those who are deployed for more than 180 days outside the state are eligible to apply for the exemption.

* A resolution calling on Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to spell out that “corporations are not entitled to the rights of natural persons” when it comes to spending on political campaigns.

Town resident Jane Edwards said she asked selectmen to call for a town vote on the resolution because she disagrees with the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission decision that lifted restrictions on corporations and unions that want to spend money influencing campaigns.

“Corporations don’t have the same rights as human beings do,” Edwards said.

The resolution is part of a national movement. Similar resolutions have already passed in Waterville, Winslow, Fairfield, Bangor and Portland.

Susan Cover — 621-5643

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