It’s amusing to read letters against tax cuts for the rich, as if it’s evil to have money. Some throw out statistics difficult to verify. Others are short-sighted, omitting inconvenient factors.

They insist on taxing the rich more and operate solely on the equation’s intake side, as if the spending end does not exist. If we keep increasing taxes on the rich, how much should they pay? If all the billionaires and millionaires were taxed 100 percent, we still would be in serious trouble. Remember, we are $15.8 trillion in debt. What happens when there are no rich? Then the real problem comes to light: Overspending.

There are cures.

* Carry out immigration reform. Liberals cannot have it both ways, crying “no jobs,” but also “let illegals in to take jobs in order to help the economy.”

* Tax cuts did not create the financial market crisis. Congress did when it tinkered with the housing market supply-and-demand process by mandating lenders approve unaffordable mortgages. This legislation must be overturned.

* Stop subsidies to farmers to not grow crops, by closing loopholes (grow honey/organic food); to companies for their ads; to other nations (the U.S. has a military presence or gives financial aid to 150 countries); to businesses (I pay for equipment upkeep when they’ve turned quarterly billion dollar profits?). This is not anti-rich, just common sense.


* Delete the IRS and replace it with fair tax. GE would then be paying taxes.

* And adopt the biggest cure, congressional term limits and zero benefits for outgoing presidents or congressmen.

If we do not enact common-sense cures like the ones above, we may as well adopt the Greek flag.

Greg Paquet


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