In the controversy over several of Gov. Paul LePage’s appointments for state offices, one was noticeably quiet, and that was a good thing.

John Gallagher was nominated, confirmed and sworn in to head the Maine State Housing Authority, sliding through the process in what must have seemed to him to be blissful silence.

Not that there should have been an controversy. As head of the Westbrook Housing Authority and former MaineHousing employee with experience in private-sector real estate, Gallagher is a solid choice to head the independent agency, which uses $14 million in mostly federal funds each year to develop housing for low- and moderate-income Mainers.

The lack of friction around this appointment is notable because of the recent history of the agency, in which former Executive Director Dale McCormick was driven to resign by a witch hunt, orchestrated by state Treasurer Bruce Poliquin.

At the time, we were concerned that the pressure on MaineHousing would politicize the agency, whipsawing its policy direction from year to year, depending on the occupant of the Blaine House.

So, seeing Gallagher’s appointment is a pleasant surprise. He seems like a good choice to provide consistency and leadership to an organization that has been an ideological battleground for the last 18 months.

If Gallagher can provide steady leadership to this organization that helps it fulfill its mission without unnecessary controversy, the state will be a winner.

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