I would find it amusing that the governor released his school “report cards” just as school districts are developing their budgets for next year, except that the proposed cuts are no laughing matter.

In the district where I live, we’re facing extreme staffing cuts, aimed largely at art and music. The school my children attend is poised to lose at least two gifted and beloved teachers, who have both been with the school longer than my sixth-grader.

Our school, which the governor awarded an F, is housed in an ancient building that is held together by love — the love of a group of dedicated faculty and staff who are committed to helping our children succeed.

They deserve to be given gold medals, not be held responsible for the social injustice and economic inequality that plague our state.

If the governor actually cared about improving schools, he would increase the minimum wage to relieve some pressure on struggling families, expand MaineCare so that parents don’t have to choose between food for their families or health care, provide and fund universal pre-kindergarten programs so that children start kindergarten with a strong foundation, and restore full funding for essential programs and services to all of our schools, rather than wasting time with gimmicks like charter schools, vouchers and meaningless and insulting report cards.

We all know who really deserves an F: The governor, who has failed our towns, failed our students and is failing to provide the necessary leadership for a positive future for our children.

Andrea Lani


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