As a parent of a student at North Elementary School, I was interested when I saw the letter on Oct. 4 about children standing out in the rain on a recent school day. I was not, however, concerned. I think the writer witnessed something in the minute or so it takes to drive by the school and interpreted it as neglect.

I’m sure he is wrong.

My son attends North Elementary, and my husband and I are impressed with the level of care and attention to safety for all their students. Our experience with all staff there is that they go above and beyond to make sure all the children are safe and receiving the services they need to have a great day at school and receive a quality education.

I am glad my son goes outside daily for recess, and I send him with a raincoat if it looks like it’s going to rain (as all parents should). Parents are encouraged to place a complete change of clothes in their child’s backpack, so I highly doubt that a child would “spend the rest of the school day in damp clothes” should they end up wet from being caught in the rain during recess.

It’s sad when someone makes a judgment about a school or its staff in the short amount of time it takes to drive by the playground. The writer should know that there are many wonderful, caring, experienced individuals there that local parents entrust every day with their children’s education and safety.

I, for one, know that they are doing an exemplary job. It’s sad that we can’t support our schools and teachers and point out all the “right” things they’re doing instead of nitpicking them during a drive by.

Jill Leach


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