I am a concerned senior citizen in my 80s. I was born, raised and lived all my life in the town of China. I graduated from Erskine Academy, raised our family of five, had 11 grandchildren, 10 of whom graduated from Erskine. My husband and I owned and operated three different businesses and worked hard to pay our taxes.

I fail to feel supportive of the purchase of The Cabins for the purpose of a park for the town. No one seems to have the answers to many questions I have:

* Who are all the volunteers going to be?

* Who is going to police the property 24-7?

* What becomes of all the buildings?

* What consideration has been given to the close proximity of year-round property owners?


* Is parking going to be across the busy U.S. Route 202? If yes, what about the children who would be at risk crossing the road?

* Senior Center? Last one failed for lack of participation.

* Attracting people and business to town? How many places are for sale in town now?

* Several other towns have tried some form of park. Why did they fail?

* If this doesn’t succeed, and I have doubts, how much tax money have we lost?

* How many senior citizens or young people just starting out in today’s economy can really afford this?


The committee has not given the voting public definitive answers to these and many other questions. I, for one, want facts, not hopes and assumptions, before I cast my vote for anything. In my opinion, this is speculation that has a risk of more and higher taxes.

Please join me in voting no on Nov. 5.

Carolyn J. Dow


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