WATERVILLE — Spectrum Generations will host a monthly Memory Café from 10 a.m. to noon the third Tuesday of each month, beginning Jan. 21, at the Muskie Center, 38 Gold St.

Memory Cafés are free, informal, social settings that bring together those with dementia or memory loss and a friend or family caregiver with others who are dealing with similar issues. They are a break from the routine; an informal and accepting place to gather for conversation, companionship, games and activities, musical entertainment, or whatever the group would like to do. The Café will be coordinated by Spectrum Generations Family Caregiver program, but will ultimately be what participants want it to be.

Memory Cafés aim to restore normalcy — and fun — to caregivers and their loved ones with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer’s.

For more information, call 620-1656.

For more information about Spectrum Generations programs and services, visit spectrumgenerations.org or call 800-639-1553.

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