In regards to the article which appeared on Dec. 26, “Lawmakers plan to keep close watch on Maine DEP,” it is very clear to me that Commissioner Patricia Aho should have been fired from her position long before now because of her lapses of duty. The firing should have happened shortly after indiscretions were aired in articles published by the newspaper last spring.

By her actions and inactions, Aho merely served the governor who appointed her rather than the people, whose best interests are of greater importance by far.

We were not told about her work history. On the other hand, the governor would have known all of her past assignments and had a very strong idea of what he could expect in terms of him getting his way.

Laws need not be broken necessarily for anyone to realize the people of Maine deserve better, unbiased treatment.

I am very upset knowing that nothing further is to be done regarding this abuse of power and disrespect on the commissioner’s part and the governor’s part.

Paul O. SylvainSkowhegan

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