Alan Caron offers one terrific column (Jan. 4) to begin the new year. Headlined “Creativity, risk, even failure needed for democracy, economy to flourish,” this was a gem. Required reading.

This year, I hope to read and see in this newspaper much more about the creators and innovators among us as opposed to mug shots of those wearing orange jump suits. Less about common criminal activity — more about uncommon human creativity.

Caron cites Thomas Edison, George Washington and Franklin Delano Roosevelt as just a few of those who endured, struggled and triumphed over adversity and failure before eventually succeeding. And thank God, huh? I believe God would prefer us to think than to pray. To use our intellect and the tools he gave us — to include science. Maybe just acknowledging him now and then rather than asking for more favors. He’s busy enough.

I’d add to Caron’s list Steve Jobs and so many other creative writers, musicians, artists and engineers who simply refuse — or don’t know how — to give up. Even Tom Brady comes to mind. There’s an old adage; “Talent does what it can — genius does what it must.” There’s a hint of that in this brilliant Caron paragraph:

“The new year gives us all a time to reflect and to renew ourselves, using our recreation and family time to re-create ourselves. All of which seems to be a uniquely human ability. Even though we think of creative people as a special breed, the instinct to create new things and rebuild old ones is the continuous thread that runs through our lives.” Wow …

MC Hammer once quipped, “Can’t touch that.” So I won’t. But I saved it. It’s a roadmap, my Operator’s Manual for 2014. Make the best of it!

Buddy Doyle Gardiner

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