The Affordable Care Act is a travesty for this country, forced on the people by the Democrats. The people were lied to; the Democrats knew before the law was passed the damage it would do.

People are forced to pay for things they don’t want or need, those who had very good insurance now have poorer insurance with exorbitant prices and unreasonable deductibles. It has been a matter of uninsuring the insured to insure those who weren’t insured. Talk about the hypocrisy of this administration and equality. Look at the exemptions for some but not others. The number of people who have become uninsured are more than those who have signed up. Look at the economic destruction.

So many people across this nation are angry, and I for one do not blame them. We are Americans, not Europeans, these socialist ways are not American ways. Americans put country above ideology, their freedom is most important above all else. People need to get out and vote in November to get their country back. I think there is only a smidgen of truth from this president and administration. The abuse of power is wearing pretty thin.

Sheila GibbsWinthrop

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