The Franklin County Budget Advisory Committee, made up of municipal officials, will meet 4:30 p.m. Monday at Farmington District Court to discuss the proposed budget.

A public hearing will be held June 16 on the proposed $5.66 million Franklin County budget, up 3.5 percent from the year before.

The public hearing will be held at 5 p.m. in the Franklin County Superior Courtroom, according to Julie Magoon, Franklin County clerk.

The impact on property taxes will not be calculated until after the county, school and town budgets are finalized. The current property tax rate is $1.06 per $1,000 of assessed value or $106 per $100,000 of property.

The county budget proposal includes a $1.5 million sheriff’s department budget, up $2,000 from the year before with no major changes to department expenses.

The sheriff’s department has been severed from the communications department on the budget this year, and the communications department is requesting $887,120.

The majority of the request is for dispatcher salaries and benefits, but also includes an increase in the budget for training. Director Stan Wheeler requested training funds be increased from $3,500 to $4,500. He said the dispatchers have been trained to minimum state standards over the last few years but are in need of further training in order to be prepared.

After the budget committee makes their final vote, the Franklin County commissioners will review the vote and make recommendations, but the budget committee will have the final say. The entire budget process is expected to conclude mid-June.

Kaitlin Schroeder —

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