I would like to counter some of the unfavorable press the Veterans Affairs health care system has received as of late.

My parents had ample insurance to seek health care from their choice of providers, but they elected to go to Togus VA for their primary care. The doctor and his staff provided timely services with extraordinary compassion.

In January 2013, my parents entered a long-term care facility and the family was saddened to learn they could no longer receive primary care from the VA.

Earlier this month, the family received the sad news that our father had a terminal illness. Upon discharge from the hospital, he was welcomed with open arms by the exceptional team at the VA Hospice Unit. My father was there only two weeks, but during that time he was treated like royalty. His comfort was their objective and they more than delivered on that promise. I received calls daily from staff to update me about my father’s condition and any changes in treatment.

While health care in the United States is in desperate need of repair, there are a few bright spots, and, as important as it is to expose flaws in the system, it is equally important to give praise where praise is due.

My family and I are eternally grateful to the VA health care system. The phenomenal care it provided is a fitting tribute to the sacrifices my parents made in faithful service to their country.

Lori GagnonGardiner

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