Voters in local towns chose new selectmen and school board members, as well as a road commissioner.
In Monmouth, where the June election also serves as a secret-ballot Town Meeting, voters decided several budget items.
Not all towns reported vote totals Tuesday night, but up-to-date information can be found throughout the day at
Voters on Tuesday approved an updated comprehensive plan 251-84.
In March, the state approved the updates to the document that helps plan for the town’s future.
There was only one contested race for elected office. Allan Moeller Sr. won re-election 137-100 as third selectman over challenger Dale Hinote.
Incumbent Elaine Wilcox got 125 votes and challenger Katharine Ayer got 120 votes to secure the two available seats on the Fayette School Board. Incumbent Richard Darling garnered 78 votes and challenger Rachael Holland, 77 votes.
The term of service for each of the posts is three years.
Three people ran for two positions on the board of selectmen.
Incumbent Douglas Ludewig, 449, and Dianna Boisvert, 306, secured the two three-year terms as selectmen. Lisa Hicks, with 301 votes, finished narrowly out of the running.
Everything on the town warrant passed. Voters weighed in on the $2.95 million budget, which is up 3.6 percent from last year. In a separate question, voters approved 407-250 appropriating an additional $100,000 for road work.
Voters amended the property tax assistance ordinance to base qualification upon the state’s property tax fairness credit program. The tax assistance ordinance provides up to $200 in tax relief each year to residents who are 65 and older and meet other qualifying standards.
In the race for road commissioner, incumbent Jeff Kent was challenged by Lee Dunn for the one-year post.
Results were not available late Tuesday night.
Readfield voters on Tuesday chose challenger Thomas Dunham 342-306 over incumbent Lawrence Dunn for a seat on the five-person Select Board.
Raymond Renner took 327 votes to take an unopposed seat on representing the town on the school committee of Regional School Unit 38, Maranacook-area schools. Write-in candidate John Blouin took the other seat with 274 votes.
Also on Tuesday, voters narrowly approved 293-282 a question allowing the town to budget $5,000 each year to fund Readfield Heritage Days, with the celebration to run every other year beginning in 2015. Under the plan, taxpayers will continue to vote on the appropriation each year.
Seven people competed for two seats on the Board of Selectmen: Rose Beckwith, Paul Adams, Fred Browne, Mike Grizkewitsch Sr., O’Neil LaPlante, Ryan Shea, and David Thompson. Results were not available late Tuesday night.
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