We have all heard the tongue-in-cheek saying, “We have the best government that money can buy.” Within the past week, the newspaper seems to be providing some evidence of its validity.

On Sept. 27, we read that the (Democratic) House Majority PAC is spending $268,000 to support Emily Cain.

Today, we learn that the National Republican Congressional Campaign is spending $1.5 million to support Bruce Poliquin.

The Poliquin supporters are spending 5.5 times as much as the Cain supporters.

Well, are Cain supporters trying to buy government on the cheap, or is it that Poliquin supporters will pay any price to buy government?

Frankly, I think that the price paid for government is not the best way to determine whether we are getting the best government that all 100 percent of us need.

Darwin Hatheway


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