Imagine being told that cross-country skiers, canoeists and rock climbers — all who go into nature without destroying it — are doing their activity for your good.

But decade after decade, we have been told to believe that those who go into nature to destroy it are doing it for our benefit.

Imagine being allowed to believe those who kill moose and bear enjoy killing moose and bear instead of being told ad infinitum they do it to boost Maine’s economy or protect nonhunters from wildlife.

Four thousand unanswered articles by Gene Letourneau and scores more by George Smith have told us how good the if-it-moves-shoot-it philosophy is for everyone else. You would almost think the classified section was wagging the media dog.

If controlling overpopulation of nuisance species were the real reason for hunting, we would have a hunting season on pigeons in the park.

Some people enjoy killing things, some enjoy scaling mountain peaks, but why do we have to pretend the first group’s self-serving activity is done for the public good?


Somewhere, I have a National Rifle Association safe hunter badge. I got it without ever firing a gun because the instructor got drunk, then got in an accident and couldn’t complete the course.

Media, after decades giving hunters the bloody pulpit, didn’t dare to allow a real debate?

The back bear is the symbol for the University of Maine, and is seen in great numbers at football and hockey games. Some way to treat a state symbol.

Please Lord, protect us from drunken hunters, and I’ll take my chances with the bears.

George Hunt


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