We need to elect Mike Michaud to be our governor. Michaud will try to represent all Maine people. His years of experience as a Maine legislator, including president of the Senate, help him understand that the governor and Legislature must work together to get anything done.

Michaud would not have approved reductions to revenue sharing for municipalities and public schools that were promoted and approved by Paul LePage. These reductions result in higher property taxes — bad for business owners who pay property taxes, and for seniors struggling to live on limited incomes.

LePage has had his chance, and failed to meet the voters’ needs.

Eliot Cutler has some good ideas, but has never been elected to public office. His business background is not what we need right now. Mike Michaud stands a better chance of accomplishing results that will benefit the majority of Maine people than either Cutler or LePage.

Elery Keene


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